Incest adult family gay xxx stories

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As i opened the door i felt a hand smack my ass behind me. We got home and i got out of the car and headed to the door. What shocked me the most was that dad and my uncle were having a normal conversation like nothing had just happened. I sat there silent in a wave of different emotions as we drove home. I had just been fucked and used by my own family. The whole drive home i couldn't believe what just happened. DAD=now you REALLY need a shower when you get home We all got dressed and went home. First gay incest experience lead to bisexual incest Date: ,Īuthor: curiousfunmale, Rating: 84.6, Source:.Sex Stories, Erotic Stories, Porn Stories, XNXX Stories, Adult Stories, XXX Stories

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First gay incest experience lead to bisexual incest - Sex Stories

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